Monday, July 20, 2015

The day has finally arrived!

Well, I use the word "finally" loosely. It's not as though it's been months and months, but it still feels like it has.

I have sent my paperwork back in to my chosen coach. I'm really quite nervous and there is always thoughts in the back of my head of "what if I can't do this?" and "should I be doing this?". A bit of background: I have been wanting to compete since 2012. I did have plans to compete in season B 2012 but it was clear I was not ready. I did not leave myself enough time and I look back and cringe at the thought of it. Plus I know so much more about nutrition, training and body composition now than back then. I've come a long way and so has my head space! I won't lie, though. There have been plenty times in the last month where I have thought I should just not start prepping. I'm very good at shying away from a big task. so much so, that in the middle of labour with my son (the pushing stage to be exact) I decided I couldn't do it anymore and it was too hard and he was just going to be stuck there forever haha! I quickly realised what a ridiculous thought that was and continued pushing. I mean, there was only one way he was getting out by then so I couldn't just give up! And I've just gone way off topic..

Anyway, back to my negative thoughts above, I am assured these thoughts are normal and I had some lovely past and present competitors give me some pointers for handling comp prep. I should add, I'm not even in "comp prep" yet.. the prep I will be starting with my coach is off-season prep, but I will still treat is as though it is just as important as on-season prep because it really is. What we can achieve in these few months before official prep starts will help a lot. I start mid next month! This gives me just enough time to finish my 4 week challenge.

Even though I'm nervous as anything, I'm confident that I can do this. I've seen enough before and afters to give me the confidence that anyone can do this. I'm confident in my choice of coach too. Make sure you stick around for posts once the coaching starts; I'm sure it will be a hoot!

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