Monday, June 29, 2015

July goals and being back at the gym!

It was my first session back at the gym last night. It was magical. I can't believe there was ever a time where I didn't lift weights! My legs and glutes are definitely sore today! My session included:

* Squats
* Lunges & curtsey lunges (Superset)
* Weighted glute bridge (did my reps then held a bridge for as long as I could for each set)
* Leg extension (could have gone a bit heavier on this one; noted for next time)
* Split squats
* Plank

I tried not to be too disappointed as the weights I was lifting was not much, for me anyway. But I'm lifting what is realistic for me at the moment considering I've been away from the gym for a bit. Not to mention I'm only 4 months post partum so I'm taking each day as it comes so I don't hurt myself.

So my goals for the next month are to be consistent with training and tracking my food. I will try to stick to my macros of course, but if some days I can't as long as I'm in my calorie target that's ok. I am doing 4 lifting days and 1 cardio day, which will be a walk or a circuit. I'll be focussing on progressive overload for weights and food.

Upper body session tonight.

Sunday, June 28, 2015


Welcome to The Fit Girl.

This blog has been an idea in my head for quite some time now. I finally decided it was time to bring it to life!

What is this blog?
Some of you may remember I had this blog a few years ago. Now that I have reignited The Fit Girl, it's going to be more of a personal blog. This is going to detail my journey to stage. You will get to learn what I eat and how I train to get me to the INBA stage in May 2016.

Who am I? I'm a wife, mum of two, animal lover and health and fitness nut. I'm a qualified Personal Trainer and I'm aiming to complete studies in nutrition. Although I've had a passion for health since I was a teenager, I feel it's only now that I'm really starting to know what being healthy is all about; it's about fuelling my body with its appropriate needs, eating a vast variety of food and focusing on nutritients. Even more so now that we have started our family!

I don't follow any set 'diet'. I'm not sugar-free or carb-free. I'm not paleo. I'm not this or that. Whilst I do pull certain aspects from these lifestyles, my lifestyle is about my own kind of balance. I like to eat pasta. I don't say no to dessert (within reason, of course!).

So that is me, that is my blog and I hope you stick around!